OSTK Product Development: CGI Silo Image Automation Tool

Position: Creative Director

Portfolio: Overstock, Inc.

Industry: Technology, E-commerce

Year: 2017-Present

Along with the Senior 3D Technical Artist, I designed and developed a 3D content automation tool to produce product page silhouette images at scale with standardized angles, lighting, shadows, proportions, file naming, and carousel sequencing across all home furniture and decor product categories according to the 3D Style Guide.

Using principles of machine learning, I trained the tool with manual processing of 3D models to create reference data logs which were then used to apply camera placement and exposure settings in high volume, automated batches.

The addition of standardized silo content helped to increase customer confidence and reduce costly returns. Providing unique content to product pages helped to increase SEO and organic traffic and thus reduce marketing acquisition costs.


OSTK Product Development: 3D Model Viewer and AR


OSTK Product Development: CGI 360 Video Automation Tool